Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And They Lived Happily Ever After

As we wrap up the end of this class I wish everyone the best. I value the collaboration and friendships made in the Lesley program and feel my life is richer because of it. I am truly looking forward to playing more, enjoying my family more and this is the last spring break I will have to say--I can't go because I have a big project due! I am going to pursue the online business and appreciate all the comments and suggestions you have given. I hope we all reap the financial benefits we have earned and put to use all the technology we have learned.


  1. Certainly keep in touch, I have enjoyed having you in class with me as well. I really hope we get paid for our efforts and I couldn't agree more about being glad this is the last spring break where I have something hanging over my head!! When are we all getting together to celebrate??

  2. This has certainly been an experience, some bad, but mostly good. I trully have enjoyed having our small cohort and will remember you all. Although I am extremely overjoyed that we are done, a small part of me is sad. I have enjoyed working and learning with each one of you. Good luck to all!

  3. It will take a few weeks to get used to having less homework. My extra money (not paying Lesley and hopefully the pay raise) will go directly into my son's college fund--he's a high school junior.
