Friday, April 1, 2011

Not talking about the business so much this week as what is happening in our school district. The budget cuts are estimated at 240-400+ million, one minute we hear that extra funding was found to reduce the 400 and then,  no there is no extra funding. I have heard that one of my schools will start 35 minutes later in the morning and many schools start times will be changed to the tune of saving 10 mil. We were also told today that 3 teacher positions will be cut and the literacy and ELL positions are gone and those teachers go back to the classroom (this is my smaller ES, 740 students).  We still have no idea how much our salaries will be cut or if we have to take furlow days. Have to have faith that God will provide for us, right?


  1. I was freaking out, if I take 8% of the take home pay my husband and I currently make, it is only about 600 dollars less a year. And we should still go over on the pay scale b/c of education so we really won't notice a change. I'm still annoyed that they want to cut our pay, but it really won't be horrible. Which is good since I will have 3 kids in daycare next year.

  2. 8% seems like so much more, I really didn't add it all up but it is irritating with everything else going up but our salaries. Somehow I don't believe it will be the full 8%.

  3. Budget cuts are the worst. When my husband and I started our careers, I made $5,000.00 more a year than Todd. Now he makes more than I do. I can't believe that your ELL positions have been cut. The only way I know my position is safe is because it is a federal funded program. My ESOL numbers are growing and I am hoping to add a half time teacher to help me next year.

  4. It is hard going through economic times such as these. We still have no idea what our allotments look like or what our budget will be for next year. We use to know all this before going on Spring Break, which is this week.

  5. They don't cut our salaries. They just furlow us and significantly increase what we pay for health insurance. Class sizes are getting difficult to handle too.

    But the good news is that we have lots of new curbs and sidewalks--where's the priority??!!

  6. OMG! Tell me about it! We are constantly hearing about the budget cuts and losing teachers left and right, yet there's enough money to remodel the office. I think it's long overdue, but it just doesn't make sense. Plus increasing the class sizes is just annoying. Where are the teachers supposed to find time to teach? Between dealing with all the behavior issues?

  7. WOW!!!! I feel your pain...that was us last year! We have no idea whats happening this year.

  8. Reading all of these comments makes me wonder if there are any school districts that are not being effected by budget issues. Our county is one of the only ones that allows property owners that are 62 or older to not have to pay school taxes.
    So, now we have less money in our budget to pay our salaries. I'm frustrated with "good old boy' politics!

  9. As the state forces our school district to trim the budgets, district employees are being cut . . . now, do they really think these former employees disappear. As they spend down their savings, they will need to seek welfare assistance; they will not be spending to help the state sales tax; and they will not be able to afford insurances, so they will further tax Medicaid. Our school nurse site has had a lively discussion on the wisdom of these "savings cuts" and more than one has pointed out the need for trimming salaries and positions at the top . . . instead of the "trenches". Very troubling times!
